Keeping One Step Ahead With Blockchain Technology Research
Meet Dragan Boscovic, Industry’s Sought-After Blockchain Expert
Dr. Dragan Boscovic is a leader in technology and innovation with over 30 years of global industrial experience in research, development, and management. An expert in blockchain, as well as IoT and AI/ML technologies, cyber informatics, smart city and smart office technologies, and eHealth and mobility applications, Boscovic brings his wealth of knowledge to the Arizona Blockchain Applied Research Center (AZ BARC) as Research Director.
Boscovic is also the technical director of the Center for Assured and Scalable Data Engineering at Arizona State University and a research professor in the ASU School of Computer Information and Decision Systems Engineering.
Additionally, he is the Founder, CEO, and Director of Engineering and Innovation at VizLore, LLC, where he focuses on creating technologies for smart cities, smart energy, and smart health applications.
His work at AZ BARC connects industry leaders with researchers to leverage emerging blockchain technologies and apply the findings to projects that support developing usable products for the global marketplace. A major believer that blockchain is the next wave of the internet, Boscovic is continually searching for new ways to apply blockchain technology, whether it’s in IT infrastructure, data privacy, or government applications. Currently, AZ BARC’s member-led projects include medical device inventory control, security in voting systems, and multi-signal device authentication.
Prior to his time at ASU and AZ BARC, Boscovic held positions at MMI Google and Motorola. In his time at Motorola he amassed 22 patents and published numerous papers on topics such as data analytics for mobile services, eHeath solutions, and autonomic networks.
Along with achieving numerous recognitions and awards over the years, Boscovic earned his Ph.D. from the University of Bath in the United Kingdom and was a Distinguished Visiting Scholar, mediaX at Stanford University.
To learn more about Boscovic and his role with AZ BARC, read the Inside Innovation Q&A, Dragan Boscovic and Blockchain’s Next Big “If”.